Where I say URL in this document, I mean either a proper URL like ╥ftp://user:password@host/path╙ (user:password@ is optional) or a simple one like: ╥host:path╙ or an Info-Mac ╥archived as╙ line like ╥[Archive as /info-mac/util/dehqx.hqx; 30k]╙ or a UMich line like ╥/mac/util/dehqx.hqx╙
Download Files - Takes a file with a list of URLs and downloads them, deleteing any lines that successfully download. This is designed for use with Cron. When you read the UMich New Files mailout or the Info-Mac digest, copy any interesting references into the file and then when the run Download Files (perhaps overnight using Cron) to fetch them. Note that some version of AppleScript had a badly broken Read/Write Commands osax which crashes under PowerPC - I recommend using this only with System 7.5.
Fetch Clipboard, List Clipboard - Copy a URL to the clipboard and invoke this script to download it or list the directory.
Find Clipboard - Copy part of a file name to the clipboard and invoke this script to find it using an Archie search.
MacSearch - Copy part of a file name to the clipboard and invoke this script to find it using MacSearch, a new search engine hosted by Ambrosia that searches for files in the UMich and Info-Mac sites.
Get Selection - Just a simple script to demonstarate the "get contents of selection" AppleScript command.
DropPut Example 1 - A droplet which you can drop files to automatically upload
them to a specified destination
DropPut Example 2 - A droplet which you can drop files to automatically upload
them to a specified destination. This version prompts the user to enter a password.
Misc Stuff - Example showing mkdir, rename, remove, sendcommand
╥the clipboard╙ is used in some scripts and is implemented in Jon╒s Commands Scripting Extension available from the usual places (check out the AppleScript FTP bookmark).